Mindat ah an i Kap, Ralkap Pathum An Thi


Mindat ah an i Kap, Ralkap Pathum An Thi [English Below]
Fighting in Mindat killed three regime soldiers

2020 October 31 — Nihin zaanlei sml 3:30 in 4:30 pm tiang CDF le Ralkap cu hmun thum ah an i kap tiah kan theih.

Hi kahnak cu, “Mindat khuachung Myanmar Economic Bank (MEB) hmai, Mindat le Kanpalet lamton ah le, khua nitlaklei sang” ah a si.

Mindat khuami nih ralkap pathum an thi i, CDF in pakhat hliam a tuar tiah an chim. Hi kahnak a dih in Ralkap nih minung pahnih an tlaih hna i an hrem hna tiah theih a si.

Nain, tuzan 8 pm hlan ah an thlah than hna tiah Mindat khuami sin in kan theih.#

Fighting in Mindat killed three regime soldiers

Fighting broke out in multiple locations between the Chinland Defense Force (CDF) and the regime troops in Chin State’s Mindat today.

At around 3:30-4:30 pm this afternoon (Sunday), clashes occurred in front of Myanmar Economic Bank, Mindat-Kanpetlet Road’s junction, and west block of Mindat, according to local residents, adding that at least three regime soldiers were killed and one CDF member got injured.

Following the fighting, the regime troops arrested two local youth and allegedly tortured said local residents, where they were released again before 8 pm tonight.#

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