July 27, 2024

Hringtu Nu Daithlan Ruang Ah Ke Pathum He A Chuakmi Ngakchia (video file)


Pic shows: Doctor Chen Qiu inspecting the boy with three legs, Ma Yongfei.nnDoctors in China have successfully operated on an infant boy born with a third leg belong to a parasitic twin he had absorbed as a foetus.nnThe 11-month-old named Ma Yongfei had his treatment delayed because of his family¿s poor financial situation and a lack of medical expertise in his native Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in north-western China.nnHe was handed over to Professor Chen Qiu of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University, after his parents were recommended the doctor.nn"When the child came to me, he was already more than 10 months old," Chen said, adding: "In his case, the ideal time to operate would¿ve been at six months, because the earlier the surgery, the better the chances of recovery."nnThe infant was diagnosed with ¿pygopagus parasiticus¿, a form of foetus in foetu characterised by asymmetric twinning, with the incomplete twin attached to the dominant twin by the hip.nnThe birth defect occurs at a probability of one in a million, the doctor said.nnThe boy¿s partially grown twin presented itself as a third leg growing near his genitals, which also affected the function of his own limbs.nnHe was also born with a congenital heart condition, reports said.nnFollowing extensive discussions with a large team of doctors and nurses from different departments, surgery to amputate the boy¿s third leg was carried out on 19th March.nnExplaining the plan going forward, Professor Chen said: "After removing the leg in the middle, we will begin correcting his right leg."nn"This is just the start," he noted, adding: "The child will require a lot of long-term corrective treatment."nn"At the same time, his congenital heart condition will also require surgery to treatment, so there will be a long road ahead for his family," Chen said.nn(ends)

City Hunter| 2018 March 27| Hringtu nu pakhat cu fa a pawi lio ah siilei thlopbulnak le i cheknak a caanhmaante in a ngeih lo ruang ah a hrinmi a fate cu ke pathum ngei in a chuak. Hi ngakchia te cu hlaithiam (operation tuahthiam) siibawi hna nih Tuluk ram Shanghai khuapi sii-inn ah chekhlainak an tuah.

Xiao Fei tiah auhmi thla 11 ngakchia te cu faphir a si dingmi bantuk a takpum chung ah nau sem a cuang. Hi bantuk thil a cangmi cu minung 500,000 ah minung pakhat tluk sin lawng ah a cangmi thil a si. Cuti thil a si hmanh ah minung 1,000,000 ah minung pakhat tluk lawng a nungdammi khuaruahhar thilcang a si.

Xiao Fei, hringtu a nu nih a pawi lio ah chekhlatnak caanhmaante in aa tuahlo ruang ah fa a hung hrin taktak tikah atu bantuk in ke pathum ngei fa a hrinnak hi a si. A hlei in ke pakhat aa tel chihmi hi a phei le a phei aa tonnak zawnte in a chuah ruang ah ngakchia zunte le zunpi lamthluan kong ah tampi harnak a um.

Hika ah siibawite nih chekhlatnak an tuah lio muicawl (video) zoh khawh a si.

Cu pin ah ngakchia a orhlei ke hi kut bantuk a si i a cawlcangh khawh lo caah tampi harnak a tong. Shanghai sii-inn in siibawite nih ngakchia cu suimilam 10 chung chekhlainak an tuah hnu ah a hlei in a chuakmi a ke pakhat cu an hlonhpiak khawh. Cun, a cawlcang kho lomi a orhlei kam a ke zong an tanpiak i a hlei in a chuakmi ke in khan an bunhpiak than. A donghnak ahcun chekhlainak an tuahmi tlamtling te in an lim khawh.

Siibawite chimning ah ngakchia nihhin kum zeimaw zat cu a tuar rih lai caah kum 3 a tlin ni ah sii-inn ah voikhat in rak hmuhsak rih u law chekhlatnak kan tuah rih lai an ti. A orhlei ke hi an bunhpiak chommi a si caah a sining kelte in a than/a sau lai lo caah chekhlainak tuah i zaam le dawhpiak a hau lai an ti.
Ref: Popolay, Buzz Myanmar

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