July 27, 2024

Vice President Henry Van Thio Doctor Degree An Peknak Kumkhat A Tling


City Hunter| 2018 January 31| Kawlram ramkomh cozahpi ah Vice President Henry Van Thio cu US hrambunh University a simi Global Gateway University (GGU) timi sianghleirun nih upatnak caah Doctor Degree an rak peknak kumkhat a tling manh cang. Vice President Henry Van Thio a riantuanmi upat peknak ca le Doctor Degree an pek kumkhat tlin camtuak philhlonak caah Doctor Degree a laknak kong thawngpang a thar te in kan hun in hrawmh than hna.

Vice President Henry Van Thio Cu Doctor Degree An Pek
The Chinland Post – January 31, 2017| Ramkomh Kawlram Vice President Henry Van Thio cu US hrambunh University a simi Global Gateway University (GGU) timi sianghleirun nih 2017 January 23 ah khan thithruainak lei upatnak Doctor Degree an pek.

Hi degree a petu GGU nih, “a lam kip in a rang tukmi Kawlram thlen remhnak hruaitu dirhmun in naa pekchanhnak le naa teltumnak kan in theihpi caah hi degree hi kan in pek” tiah an ti. Ramkomh Kawlram Vice President Henry Van Thio upatnak Degree an pekmi cu Doctor of Leadership a si.

Global Gateway University (GGU) cu Khrihfa Biaknak dirpinak he fimcawnnak thanchonak a um khawhnak ding caah riantuanmi Sianghleirun pakhat a si. Hi GGU cu America ram, Missouri State ah hrambunhmi sianghleirun pakhat a si.

Hi degree peknak ah tuanvo ngeitu GGU Board of Trustee in Chairman Dr. James Song le Myanmar & Indonesia ram aiawh Director Dr. Kim Gyun Bae hruainak in tuanvo ngeitu hna nih Vice President Henry Van Thio a umnnak inn Naypyidaw Khualipi ah an vung kal hnawh i, an pek hi a si.

An Degree pekmi Certificate ah, “Henry Van Thio cu cawn khawhnak, tuan khawhnak, hlawhtlin khawhnak le pumpak limhang a ngeimi pasaltha a si. Cu bantuk in a thatnak le thil ti khawhnak ruang ah hi upatnak Doctor degree hi kan pekmi si” tiah an tial.

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